Sadness in Houston …

Hello again, Friends.

The first week in April ended with a sad trip to Houston to attend funeral services for my friend Dr. William Mack. Bill is the father of my daughter-in-law, Daniela. He was a delightful man who became a friend when our kids got married. We had just welcomed our granddaughter, Eva, and we took turns assuming grandfather duties as the traveling opera singers traversed the country. I enjoyed talking to Bill on the phone. Sometimes we would call each other for no particular reason, just to visit. Bill was a respected physician and had maintained an active practice even into his senior days. He also battled with some health issues but, in spite of all, he was a lovely person and I will miss him.

If there can be a positive from this trip, it was that I got to be the grandfather custodian of my darling Eva during the various activities of the services. At that time she was just discovering that she could do a wobbly walk while holding on to an adult finger. With her other hand she would point to where she wanted to go and then it was off to the races. The age of discovery and exploration has begun.

The miracle of those three days in Houston was a living testament to the circle of life as we said farewell to one while reveling in the exuberance in the new life of another.

And so it goes…

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